What is a Judicial Certificate of Discharge?
The certificate certifies to potential employers that you have successfully completed your sentence. The document also certifies that you have earned the certificate as a result of your good behavior.
Who is Eligible for a Judicial Certificate of Discharge?
To be eligible for a Certificate of Discharge, you must be discharged from incarceration (jail or prison), parole, or probation. In other words, you must have completed your sentence.
What Effect Does a Judicial Certificate of Discharge Have on My Status?
The certificate could improve your chances of getting a job because it demonstrates good behavior since your conviction.
When Can I Apply for a Judicial Certificate of Discharge?
You can ask the court for a Judicial Certificate of Discharge after you have completed your incarceration, parole, or probation. You must have completed all your sentencing requirements to apply for a Certificate of Discharge.
How Do I Apply for a Judicial Certificate of Discharge?
Go to the court that sentenced you and ask the Circuit Court Clerk for a Petition for a Certificate of Discharge. Fill out the form, attach copies of any supporting documents, and pay any fee required. The clerk will set a hearing date. You must attend the hearing.